Hmm. It's been so long since I updated my blog that I had to email for my password. Ah well. That's life.
What's up now? Well, I've done a little more knitting, some unexpected crocheting (for the 2 nieces and 2 nephews I earned during 2007 alone!!), some writing, some working, and--you get the idea. For awhile I stopped believing I had anything to say. (If my husband is reading this right now, he's choking on his AMP energy drink . . . Poor dear, I always have plenty to say to him!)
Worth mentioning: My daughter learned to read!! She has begun to ignore me while engrossed in Magic Tree House books. I know this will annoy me in a few years, but right now I'm so glad about it that I'm all verklempt. It's disgraceful, but there you are.
Also, I've changed careers again. You don't want to know. Suffice it to say that when I don't post for a week or more, that's why.
I'll have photos of projects I've finished in the last couple of years (cripes! It's been years!) soon.
It's good to be back.