Hello. I have news. Quietly happy news (as opposed to the jumping up and down, Alchemy Yarns on 50% off sale happy news). Probably you'll think I'm crazy--although if you've read this blog much, you KNOW I am.
I've been a lawyer for 14 years. I'm proud of the accomplishment, and I love the law--studying it, and writing about it. But I really hated BEING a lawyer. The lifestyle was relentless and made me miss too much of my kid's life. And the posture of constant conflict was making my spirit hurt. Seriously. So I decided to do something else.
So maybe I am crazy, but I'm tellin' ya--I feel like I just got out of jail. Now I can read the Supreme Court decisions because I want to, and write articles because I have something to say. I still have my law license, so I can use it when I want--the best of all worlds.
Another update: My mom is done with her 6 rounds of chemo and started radiation therapy yesterday. She's doing great.
Knitting--yes, I've done some. I'll take pictures and share later. It's really hot here, so I'm sticking to small projects for awhile.